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You are here : FHU-SEPSISENOTHER PROJECTSWorld Sepsis Day2023

Sepsis Conference

On September 11, 2023, the FHU SEPSIS co-organized, with the IHU PROMETHEUS and Inserm, a cycle of conferences on sepsis. This event, held on the occasion of the World Sepsis Day, took place at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), in Paris.

About eighty people gathered in the Hemicyle to listen to prestigious lecturers report on the health, economic, and social burden of sepsis worldwide, the solutions to implement and develop, particularly in research, to fight sepsis, and the hope for new treatments.

In pictures

Left to right: Benjamin Terrier, Laurent Boyer, Christophe Combadière, Pierre Hausfater, Christian Rabaud, Djillali Annane and Didier Samuel
Prof. Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis  Prof. Christian Scheer
Ms Jamila Hedjal Dr Raphaël Rodriguez