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You are here : FHU-SEPSISENOBJECTIVES & PROJECTSRoad MapWP2 – Integrated data warehouse

WP2 – Integrated data warehouse

Leader : Dr Anne-Laure Roux

Co-leader : Pr Martin Rottman


We will design an integrated resource center ensuring the quality and valorization of data and the associated biobank. The warehouse will extend on the preexisting RECORDS data warehouse (RHU call 2019) using ongoing sepsis cohorts. The AP-HP (I&D) partner will set up a secure data warehouse capable of integrating data from WP1 case report forms (CRF), bedside patient’s environment, and data generated by WP3 to 7. Prospective data collection will be recorded via automated and secured extraction and transfer from healthcare software or through CRF specific to sepsis. URC HUPIFO and I&D will ensure consolidation, structuring, standardization and documentation (data dictionary, quality measures) of data. AP-HP security policy will be applied to data warehouse and to every data flow. AP-HP (I&D) partner will provide WP8 with integrated data for developing sepsis response signatures. AP-HP (biological resource center) partner will centralize all collections, and ensure effective interface with the data warehouse.