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You are here : FHU-SEPSISENOBJECTIVES & PROJECTSi-RECORDSIntroduction & Objectives

Introduction & Objectives

The i-RECORDS project was selected after the 2021 ERA PerMed call for proposals on personalized medicine. As an expansion of the RHU RECORDS, the project aims at the rapid recognition of corticotherapy sensitivity in sepsis.

Sepsis and COVID-19 are a major health, economic and social burden for populations worldwide. In patients with sepsis or COVID-19, a dysregulated host response to infection is the hallmark supporting the routine use of corticosteroids (CS), a low-cost and highly efficient class of immunomodulators. However, patients don't react the same way to the treatment. Then, stratifying patients based on their individual immune response may improve the benefit-to-risk balance of CS treatment.

i-RECORDS aims at generating signatures of CS sensitivity or resistance of patients with sepsis or COVID-19. These signatures will be based on the characterization of biological systems by using targeted approaches at levels of DNA, RNA, proteins (cytokines), hormones, and metabolites. Artificial Intelligence methods will be used to develop efficient signatures by integrating data from previous as well as new studies. The resulting signatures will define rules for a personalized treatment for patients, and thereby improve their chance to survive.

Public partners of the i-RECORDS project

  • Coordinator: Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (France)
  • Partner 1: Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France)
  • Partner 2: Ludwig-Maximilians University (Germany)
  • Partner 3: Jena University Hospital (Germany)
  • Partner 4: Fundación Canaria Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias - CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain)
  • Partner 5: Cairo university (Egypt)

The kick-off meeting took place on May 31, 2022 in Paris.